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Meet Tom

Nutritional Therapist, NHS Senior Health & Wellbeing Coach, Men's Health Specialist

My journey to becoming a Nutritional Therapist started when I contracted Lyme's Disease in 2015. Alongside dealing with this condition, an unexpected family death turned my life upside down. I was also trying to hold down a demanding job, working 12 hour shifts, with a long commute and under personal stress. Managing my stress levels became a really difficult task. My diet consisted of primarily processed food, specifically refined carbohydrates and foods high in sugar. I went from being very physically active, playing sport a few times a week and training in the gym on most days, to being bedridden and not being able to put one foot in front of the other. I started treatment with the NHS for 5 months and saw no improvement in my symptoms, and seeked other healthcare in the form of Nutrition & Homeopathy. The power of combining natural healthcare with practitioners who completely dedicated themselves to myself, my well-being and my mental health was beyond empowering. 


Following on from my experience over the last 9 years, I approached my health and wellbeing differently, allowing myself time for quality self-care. This empowering experience is what I would like to share, helping others improve on their journey for optimal health. After what's been a tough period for most over the last couple of years and the demands on our everyday living on both the health of the mind and the body, my aim is to help you regain balance in the mind and body, motivate you towards your goals, and most importantly, enjoyment in your day to day life.

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